DBT Acceptance And Change Worksheet 

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What is the theory behind this DBT Acceptance And Change Worksheet?

The theory suggested that some people’s arousal is more quick and rapid than other people and these people often experience emotional distress. When these individuals have a lack of acceptance of their behavior it increases the amount of emotional distress. To deal with these issues DBT suggests to create more acceptance in individuals to bring change in them. The worksheet has been designed on the principle of acceptance to help individuals. 

How will the worksheet help?

The worksheet will help them process their negative emotions rather than suppressing them with anger. Individuals will be able to process realities and change their disappointment and resentments to positive emotions. 

How to use the worksheet?

Firstly individuals are required to mention the unacceptable realities, their reactions to these realities, and the amount of distress it creates. Then individuals are required to highlight the benefits of acceptance and lastly, they will generate a healthy thought to promote acceptance. 

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