Unrealistic Expectations Worksheet

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What is the theory behind the worksheet?

This worksheet is based on the Theory of Affective Expectations, which states that the affective predictions of an event will influence the final evaluations of it (Aurier & Guintcheva, 2014). 

How will the worksheet help?

The present worksheet helps practitioners have a better understanding of the client’s dissatisfaction in certain areas of life, by identifying unhealthy beliefs. 

How to use the worksheet

People always dream of a perfect life: perfect job, perfect partner, ideal house, and good health. As perfection doesn’t exist, people set themselves for disappointment and sadness. We can’t control anything but ourselves. Unrealistic expectations are limiting and time-consuming. 

Learn to identify your unrealistic expectations and adapt them to your current situation, in order to acquire well-being and everything you desire in a prudent, rational way. 

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Aurier, P., & Guintcheva, G. (2014). Using Affect–Expectations Theory to Explain the Direction of the Impacts of Experiential Emotions on Satisfaction. Psychology and Marketing, 31(10), 900-913.