7 Habits Mission Statement Worksheet

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Creating a personal mission statement can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal development. This worksheet is designed to guide you in crafting a statement that reflects your core values, beliefs, and goals. 

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

The theories behind this worksheet are rooted in proactive self-management and personal leadership. Stephen Covey’s 7 habits emphasize the importance of taking initiative, setting clear goals, and prioritizing tasks that align with one’s values. The worksheet incorporates these ideas by encouraging introspection and formulating a personal vision. This aligns with psychological theories that stress the importance of self-awareness and intentional living for personal fulfillment and effectiveness.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

  1. It encourages you to think deeply about your life’s purpose and how to align your daily actions with your broader objectives. 
  2. You’ll better understand your personal and professional priorities, which can lead to more focused and meaningful decision-making. 

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

Reflect honestly on each question, and take your time to articulate your thoughts. It’s important to be true to yourself and not what others expect of you. The worksheet is not a one-time activity; you should revisit and revise your mission statement periodically as your life circumstances and perspectives change.

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