Challenging Cognitive Distortions Worksheet

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Cognitive distortions are inaccurate thoughts that can reinforce negative thinking and emotions. They often arise from our inner critic, leading to a skewed perception of reality. This worksheet is designed to help individuals recognize and challenge these distortions. 

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

CBT, developed by Dr. Aaron T. Beck, focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns. REBT, created by Dr. Albert Ellis, emphasizes the role of rational thinking in overcoming emotional distress. Both approaches highlight the importance of challenging irrational beliefs and cognitive distortions to improve mental well-being.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

You will learn to recognize negative thinking patterns and understand their impact on your emotions and behavior. This awareness is the first step toward change. You’ll gain skills to dispute irrational thoughts and replace them with more balanced, realistic perspectives, improving emotional regulation and reducing stress.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

To get the most out of this worksheet, approach it with an open and honest mindset. Begin by identifying a situation that triggered negative thoughts. Then, use the worksheet to categorize these thoughts into specific types of cognitive distortions. Reflect on the evidence supporting or contradicting these thoughts, and try to reframe them into more rational, balanced statements. 

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