Compliment Worksheet

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What is the theory behind the Compliment Worksheet?

The worksheet falls in the scope of social psychology, emotion psychology, and personality psychology. The main idea behind this is to express the emotions you felt towards the complimentee, your intentions, and their reaction towards it. The context in which the complement is being conveyed also plays a huge role for both the complimentee and the complimenter. 

How will the worksheet help? 

The worksheet will help an individual to be more vocal and communicative towards the way they feel for others. Also, the time it’ll help an individual analyze when complimenting is necessary and when it’s not. Having it in writing and then performing it practically will help you make sure of what needs to be said. 

How to use the worksheet?

Write the emotions you are feeling towards the complimentee (the one you want to make the compliment for). 

Write the intention of complimenting and the compliment you want to make.

In the last column write the response of the person you complemented.

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