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What is the Theory Behind this Worksheet?

The dynamic amends worksheet in Celebrate Recovery is designed to be more interactive and encourage active participation. 

This worksheet is based on biblical principles and clinical recovery methods to help participants identify those they have harmed and make sincere and effective amends, with a focus on active reflection.

How Will the Worksheet Help?

1. Promotes Self-Reflection, through practical activities that invite participants to reflect on their actions and their impact.

2. Facilitates responsibility, through exercises that foster personal responsibility and the planning of sincere amends.

3. Fosters healing and reconciliation, by providing clear and practical steps for making amends and restoring relationships.

How to Use the Worksheet?

Actively Participate in each activity,  complete the activities honestly and in detail. Think about how these actions have affected your life and others, implement the amends plan, and use what you’ve learned to make effective amends.

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