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What is the Theory Behind this Worksheet?

This worksheet is based on Cognitive behavioral therapy, where an individual’s behavior can be controlled by replacing the way of thinking that causes specific actions. These theory claim that people’s thoughts determine their moods and actions. 

This process involves acknowledging the existing unhealthy thoughts or beliefs that our mind might have adopted and refuting them.

How Will the Worksheet Help?

Specifically, this worksheet focuses on learning the patient’s specific triggers and thought processes that might warrant addictive behaviors. 

This generally means that by solving these patterns, users can be in a better position to remodel new healthier ways of handling the situations.

 CBT offers a practical and systematic approach to focusing on certain events, learning about the cognitive processes provoked, and developing a set of guidelines on how to deal with such episodes in the future.

How to Use the Worksheet?

  • Identify a recent triggering event and note down the negative automatic thoughts and feelings associated with it.
  • Try to analyze the following thoughts for the presence of irrational beliefs and try to replace them with rational thoughts.
  • Explain how these thoughts could be useful in the future to counteract triggers and prevent escalation of negative emotions.

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