Contextual Therapy

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Contextual therapy focuses on understanding and improving relationships within a family context. It considers factors like trust, fairness, and the balance of give-and-take in relationships. It encourages a deeper understanding of one’s history and its impact on interpersonal dynamics.

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

It was developed by Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy and is rooted in relational ethics. The core theory emphasizes four dimensions:

  1. Facts: These include biological and historical data.
  2. Psychology: Individual psychology and personality.
  3. Transactional Patterns: The dynamics of relationships within the family.
  4. Relational Ethics: The balance of fairness and entitlements in relationships.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

Reflecting on family dynamics and personal roles can help you gain insights into how these factors shape your behavior and relationships. Understanding your relational context helps you build healthier and more balanced relationships. You can work towards reconciliation and fairness by identifying legacies of hurt or imbalance.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

Reflect deeply on each prompt, considering your personal experiences and feelings. Write openly and honestly, as this is a personal tool for growth. Revisit your responses periodically to track your progress and insights.

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