Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy Worksheet

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Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) focuses on identifying and addressing specific emotional and relational patterns that affect your interactions with others. This worksheet is designed to help you explore and improve your interpersonal relationships through a structured approach.

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy is rooted in psychodynamic theories emphasizing the importance of relationships and attachment styles. DIT particularly draws on object relations theory, suggesting that the relationships we form as early experiences with primary caregivers influence adults.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

This worksheet serves as a guided tool to help you:

  • Identify recurring emotional and relational patterns.
  • Understand the impact of these patterns on your personal and professional relationships.
  • Develop strategies to modify or enhance these patterns for better interactions.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

Take your time with each prompt, reflecting deeply on your responses. This worksheet is best used as a regular practice, revisiting the prompts every few weeks to assess progress and changes in your perspective and behavior.

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