Adlerian Therapy Series Worksheet – Encouragement

What is the theory behind this worksheet?

The theory behind this worksheet is Adlerian Theory. Adler believes behavioral problems are due to a person being discouraged. That is why for Adler, counseling is a process of encouragement. 

How will this worksheet help?

This worksheet can be used by the counselor to assess his/her current level of encouragement.  Adlerian Therapy is strongly anchored on the counselor as a tool in counseling. Specifically, the Adlerian approach is more successful if utilized by counselors with high skills in encouragement. 

How to use the worksheet? 

This worksheet requires the counselor to rate him/herself on how situations (shown in the first column) are either true or untrue for them. As the counselor rates him/herself on each situation, he/she has to write each score in the third column. If already completed, the counselor must total the score and compare his/her score to the range provided with the corresponding description.  Based on the description, the counselor may write his/her action plan. 

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