Adlerian Therapy Series Worksheet – Spitting the Soup

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What is the theory behind this worksheet?

The theory behind this worksheet is Adlerian Theory. Adler believes in confrontation as part of the counseling process. Adler expects that after the confrontation, a discouraged client should be assisted by the therapist towards learning the right way to live in the real world. 

How will this worksheet help?

The counselor can use this worksheet and let the client fill it out. Ideally, if the client fills out the worksheet honestly, the counselor will get the information on the possible negative behavior of the client which the counselor may use to confront the client with; the essence of Spitting the Soup. By doing the whole process, it is expected that the client will realize his/her futile action and will respond with a better behavior. 

How to use the worksheet? 

This worksheet requires the client to answer and fill out the second column as a response to questions in the first column.  Ideally, one negative behavior per set of questions. If more than one negative behavior to process, client may use additional paper if needed. 

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