Anger control plan worksheet

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The Theory behind the Worksheet?

The Anger Control Plan Worksheet is grounded in Person-centered therapy, which emphasizes the client’s subjective experience and fosters self-understanding, which can be a useful strategy for helping people manage their anger. 

The fundamental ideas of person-centered therapy that support the control of rage, aim to help individuals identify triggers, regulate physiological and emotional responses, and develop adaptive coping strategies to manage anger effectively.

How Will The Worksheet Help?

The worksheet provides a structured framework for individuals to identify triggers, manage physiological and emotional responses, and implement effective action plans. Being non-judgemental with oneself, and reflective measure is always helpful to control anger. 

How To Use The Worksheet? 

Spare time to identify triggers, monitor physical and emotional responses

Implements action plans, evaluates effectiveness, and adjusts as needed. 

Seek help from a therapist

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