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What is the theory behind the worksheet?

This worksheet has its foundation in the educational psychology and cognitive behavior therapy approaches. 

Educational psychology is the branch of psychology that looks into how people are able to learn and store information in their brains in that it considers how the attention span works. 

CBT is beneficial as it assists in changing negative patterns of thinking and behaving, improving attention skills.

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet is designed to improve your ability to recognize inattention and its causes, also makes it a habit to practice daily or at least most of the days so that the focus is strengthened as each day passes.

And for the finish, practice techniques for changing the way you pay attention and address distractions.

How to use the worksheet?

  1. It is important you are seated or lying down comfortably in an environment you do not feel you’ll be easily distracted.
  2. Start dedicating at least 15-20 minutes of the day to work on these exercises.
  3. Carefully button through each activity and ensure that all tasks are performed to the best of your ability.
  4. Before moving to another exercise, set aside a few minutes and calmly recall your previous experience and any improvement in attention and concentration observed.

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