Child Safety Plan Worksheet

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What is the theory behind the Child Safety Plan Worksheet?

The worksheet was developed keeping in mind the psychological perspective of child safety and risk management, enabling a safe and secure environment for children, and promoting their well-being. This proactive approach will also ensure the safety of the child even when stakeholders aren’t around. 

How will the worksheet help?

The worksheet will help parents and caregivers contemplate the areas where safety measures for children are necessary. Also, it will be beneficial for children to know what to do in situations of emergency and take care of their safety in the absence of caregivers. Proactively managing such gaps also ensures a healthy home environment. 

How to use the worksheet?

Read the worksheet carefully. The key points of the certain safety side are already written. Feel free to add more of your choice.  

Add contact numbers for each aspect and write important notes in case something new has to be bought or any immediate action is required for certain safety measures. 

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