Choice Theory Worksheet

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What is the theory behind the choice theory worksheet?

The worksheet is based on choice theory explained by William Glassers that the pleasure we experience after having our needs met motivates us to to experience it again. This also explains the fact that the only person we can change and control is ourselves, and if we exercise this control on others it might lead to destructive relationships and turbulence in life. 

How will the worksheet help?

This will help individuals to make choices and make positive changes. By identifying the faulty ways they’ll take responsibility for their choices, and only then will be able to change it. 

How to use the worksheet?

Read the worksheet carefully. The 5 basic needs are behind every human action. Write about your ideas in the next column. Write to which need you’re most driven to. Your therapist will help you through this. 

In the self-evaluation column corresponding to the quality world picture, write how your mental pictures are related to that need.

In the evaluation column with total behavior write about your thoughts about that specific thing and how you feel about it. This will help your therapist the best to help you through this. 

In the row of perceived world write how you see things and situations. This will help you identify that the other person might not be wrong, you both are just different. 

In creativity, row writes about alternative ways you come up to have your needs met. 

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