Circle of Influence Worksheet

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The concept of the circle of influence is a powerful tool designed to help individuals focus on what they can control. This worksheet encourages reflection on personal influence and how to expand it, fostering a proactive mindset toward personal and professional development.

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

Stephen Covey introduced this concept in his book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” It is rooted in the principles of locus of control, a theory developed by psychologist Julian Rotter. This theory distinguishes between an internal locus of control, where individuals believe they have power over their lives, and an external locus of control, where individuals feel at the mercy of external forces. 

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

By identifying and concentrating on areas within your influence, you can effectively manage your reactions and actions toward various aspects of life. This tool aids in distinguishing between concerns that are within your power to change and those that are not, thus reducing stress and enhancing productivity. It encourages a proactive rather than reactive approach to challenges, leading to more constructive and positive outcomes.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

Start by listing all the concerns or issues occupying your thoughts. Next, categorize these into two areas: those within your circle of influence (things you can control or have an impact on) and those outside it (things beyond your control). Focus your energy and efforts on the former, seeking ways to enact positive change or improvement. This approach helps in prioritizing actions and fosters a sense of empowerment.

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