Cognitive Reappraisal Worksheet

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What is the theory behind the worksheet?

This worksheet is based on the Emotional Regulation Theory of Gross which posits that cognitive reappraisal occurs before the full-scale emotional response thus halting some of the undesirable emotional bursts1

The classic Cognitive Behaviour theory is also used in this worksheet as changing one’s cognitions affects behavior and thus may bring about the emotional change that the individual needs 2.

How will the worksheet help?

Cognitive Reappraisal is a very useful technique and can be used in one of many ways as below:

One needs to think about different ways to view the event that might change its emotional impact. Consider the following strategies:

  • Perspective Taking: How might someone else view this situation?
  • Positive Reframing: What are the potential benefits or opportunities in this situation?
  • Focus on Growth: How can this experience help you grow or learn?
  • Reducing Catastrophizing: Is the situation as bad as it seems, or are there less negative interpretations?

How to use the worksheet?

At the end of each day (or week), take some time to reflect on the emotionally charged moments you experienced. For each situation, use the space provided to describe the event, your initial emotional response, and how you can reappraise the situation to alter its emotional impact.

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