Communication Skill For Kids Worksheet

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What is the theory behind the Communication Skill Worksheet For Kids?

The worksheet comes from communication skills theories like social learning theory, cognitive dissonance theory, and diffusion of innovations theory for shaping the communication landscapes of a child. These theories guide us through the process of making effective communication and by transforming it into a structured approach making it easy to enable the child to unlock its potential. 

How will the worksheet help?

The worksheet will help enable the child, to enhance their communication skills and boost esteem and confidence. With proper guidance and assistance, the child will be able to cope with their fear of speaking and anxiety. The higher the effective communication skills the more will be the chances of a higher quality of life.

How to use the worksheet?

The parent or guardian must schedule the child’s routine enabling appropriate usage of the worksheet. 

In the corresponding columns of skills, their description and some fun activities are written to give a mental image of how to exercise these skills in daily routine.

Feel free to do activities of your preference. 

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