Conflict Resolution Anger Management Worksheet

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What is the theory behind the worksheet?

The Conflict Resolution Anger Management Worksheet is based on the approaches of emotional regulation and cognitive-behavioral therapy. It aims to identify and modify the unhealthy mental processes that fuel rage and conflict. Whereas emotional regulation helps to grow out of impulsive behaviour. 

It helps to control and positively express the emotions that are part of emotional regulation. By helping people identify triggers, creating coping mechanisms, and communicating clearly, it seeks to lessen the frequency and severity of confrontations involving anger.

How will the worksheet help?

It helps individuals to mindfully recognize anger triggers, and comprehend underlying childhood attachment styles that cause impulsiveness. It develops healthier reactions through the use of structured activities. 

It helps people understand how to regulate their emotions and assert emotions effectively. By completing the worksheet, people can learn to better manage their anger, and develop more compassionate relationships.

How to use the worksheet?

Take time to relax.

Write what happened.

Follow the further steps above to mark

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