Conflict Resolution for Teenagers Worksheet

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What is the theory behind the worksheet?

The Conflict Resolution for Teens worksheet is based on developmental psychology and Social learning theory. 

Social learning emphasizes the importance of modeling behaviours, while the developmental perspective stresses the distinct cognitive, and social changes that occur during adolescence. 

To help teenagers navigate peer relationships and social interactions more constructively, this strategy tries to teach them effective conflict resolution skills like active listening, empathy, and negotiation.

How will the worksheet help?

It guides parents/therapists/caregivers to help teens through real-life scenarios to practice these skills, helping them constructively resolve conflicts. 

By using the worksheet, teenagers can improve their communication, reduce misunderstandings, and build healthier relationships with peers and family members.

How to use the worksheet?

Spare time to fill the first three columns.
Take time to navigate and discuss with the teen.

Add them in the last column.

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