Coping Skills Worksheet for Inmates

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What is the theory behind the worksheet?

The theory behind coping skills is based on stress management principles of the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping (Lazarus & Folkman); they view stress as a by-product of an individual’s appraisal of a situation as threatening or challenging and their perceived ability to cope with it. 

Effective stress management involves altering the perception of stressors and enhancing coping mechanisms.

How will the worksheet help?

It helps how individuals perceive and respond to stress. By reappraising stressors as less threatening.

By enhancing coping mechanisms like problem-solving and seeking social support, individuals can reduce the emotional impact of stress. 

This personalized approach promotes better adaptation to stressful situations, developing resilience and improved well-being.

How to use the worksheet?

Choose the activity to develop coping
Mark when you have done it
Review when you follow it 8 days

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