Effective Counselor Assessment Worksheet

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What is the theory behind this worksheet?

The theory behind this worksheet is the Self-Actualization Theory by Maslov. According to him, self-actualization is the ability to become the best version of one’s self. 

How will this worksheet help?

The counselor can use this worksheet as a self-rating tool to assess him/herself on how effective is he/she in terms of being therapeutic. The questions are expected to encourage reflection and the generation of insights on the part of the counselor. 

How to use the worksheet? 

This worksheet is self-rating, meaning the counselor has to rate him/herself on how true the descriptions are as shown in the first column. After reading each item, the counselor has to encircle the scale (5 to 1) with 5 representing the statement as being very true, while the score of 1 represents the statement as not true in his/her life. 

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Corey, G. (2001). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy (6th ed.). Wadsworth.