Family Responsibilities Worksheet

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What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

Family responsibilities encompass various duties and obligations that individuals have toward their family members (for example, household chores and maintenance, childcare, and parenting, care for elderly or sick relatives, financial support…). 

Responsibilities can be permanent or temporary. They differ from family roles in that you are meeting an essential need for your family instead of helping out within the family setting.

This worksheet is based on family systems theory which defines a family as a complex social system where members interact to influence each other’s behavior. 

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

This worksheet will help you identify and understand each family member’s responsibilities and the contribution of each family member.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

This worksheet should be used when family members neglect their responsibilities. Additionally, it can be used when family members want to reflect and take more initiative in the duties assigned.

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