Download Worksheet


What is the theory behind the worksheet?

This worksheet is inspired by developing social skills between siblings, which is crucial to fostering positive relationships. 

Children being brothers or sisters always encounter generic problems in their daily relationships like sharing, turn-taking, and problem-solving. Gaining such skills assists them to establish more efficient and collaborative working relationships.

How will the worksheet help?

It helps the ‘siblings’ understand why all people have to share things and take turns using them and also allows each of them to communicate, listen to others, and be supportive.

It offers important socialization tools and techniques that bring about constructive conflict resolution and help children learn how to appreciate the feelings of their brothers or sisters.

How to use the worksheet?

  1. Schedule a regular time each week to complete the worksheet together.
  2. Ensure that all siblings participate and contribute.
  3. Check the activities after completing each section, discuss what was learned and how it can be applied in daily life

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