Lifespan Integration Therapy Worksheet

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Lifespan Integration Therapy is a gentle, body-based therapeutic method designed to heal past trauma. It uses a unique timeline approach where clients visualize memories from the past to promote psychological healing. This worksheet aims to introduce you to some foundational practices of Lifespan Integration Therapy, allowing you to begin exploring your memories and emotions in a structured way.

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

This worksheet is based on the principles of Lifespan Integration Therapy, developed by Peggy Pace in 2003. The therapy relies on several theories, including neuroscience, which suggests that neural integration can be achieved by revisiting past memories in a safe environment. Another theory that supports this worksheet is attachment cognitive behavioral theory.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

By engaging with the prompts in this worksheet, you can start to:

  1. Connect with your past and present experiences in a meaningful way.
  2. Reduce emotional distress linked to memories.
  3. Foster a greater sense of inner continuity and self-cohesion.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

Use this worksheet in a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Allow yourself to reflect deeply on each prompt, writing down your thoughts and feelings. It is recommended that you work through the worksheet multiple times, as each session may bring new insights and deeper healing.

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