Listening Walk For Children Worksheet

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What is the theory behind the worksheet?

Auditory processing involves sensory information (sound) entering the body (through the ears) and is processed in the brain. However, sometimes this process can be disrupted by auditory sensitivity or auditory processing disorders.

By building up your child’s auditory processing, you can help them build their auditory memory, discrimination, and sequencing. These are important reading, comprehension, speech development, and communication skills.

How will the worksheet help?

Auditory processing skills can be learned and developed with a variety of activities. This worksheet provides one such activity. By engaging in this activity you are developing your child’s auditory processing, auditory awareness, and mindfulness. All of which benefit them in regulating, learning, and engaging with their environment.

How to use the worksheet.

Think of this activity as an adventure and one that you can build into a habitual routine. Find a safe place that you and your child can walk. Perhaps changing the place you walk every few walks will offer your child a different soundscape. 

Prepare your child for the walk by explaining it is a listening walk – where our ears are going to discover a variety of different sounds – almost like a detective!

Follow the steps of the activity during your walk and allow your child to reflect on the walk by decorating their worksheet and talking about how they felt and what they thought when they were listening.

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The OT Toolbox. (2023). Auditory Processing Activities.