Download Worksheet


What is the theory behind the worksheet?

The rationale for the Mental Health Week worksheet is based on the fact that mental health occupation is an important component of health promotion and causes personal happiness. 

It uses psychological facts that state that to promote good mental health one needs to be able to take care of oneself and this is done through having proper coping mechanisms in advance.

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet has been developed to be used during Mental Health Week, and it will enable people to practice self-reflection and self-care. 

The worksheet seeks to help people develop insight about themselves by guiding them through a set of questions and exercises on mental health, positive coping styles, and perceptions.

How to use the worksheet?

Dedicate a few minutes of the day to complete the instructions on the worksheet. 

It means that one should look for a friendly, comfortable environment that does not interrupt the thinking process.

Attitude towards the worksheet should be as positive as possible, which means that you have to tell the least that you are ready to ‘look into your heart.’

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