Permissive Thinking Worksheet

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What is the theory behind this worksheet?

Permissive thinking refers to thoughts that allow individuals to use problematic behaviors to cope with challenging situations. For example, in the case of procrastination, a person might think “I work better under pressure, so I’ll just do it closer to the deadline”, or someone dealing with alcohol addiction might say “I’ll just have one drink, who will know”.

These permissive thoughts arise spontaneously, often triggered by cues associated with problematic behavior, occurring automatically throughout the day. They are not consciously planned or intended; rather, they manifest due to the habitual nature of thought patterns.

In certain situations, adopting a permissive mindset can prove beneficial. Permitting oneself to engage in enjoyable activities can yield rewards and foster feelings of happiness. Nevertheless, permissive thinking may lead to issues when it comes to behaviors that induce distress or harm, either to oneself or others.

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet will help you record information about situations where you experience permissive thinking. It will also help you explore it and become aware of the consequences.

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet can be used at the beginning of therapy for clients who have a permissive thinking problem. It will serve as a tool to increase awareness of thought processes and consequences of one’s behavior.

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Espinosa, D. (2024). Challenging Automatic Thoughts for Successful Addiction Recovery. Retrieved from:, on January 26, 2024.