Qualities of a Good Friend Worksheet

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Friendship is integral to our lives, providing support, joy, and companionship. Understanding what makes a good friend can help us foster better relationships and become better friends. This worksheet is designed to guide you through this understanding.

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

Several psychological theories underpin this worksheet. Social exchange theory, for example, suggests that we seek relationships that offer maximum rewards with minimum costs. Another theory, attachment theory, explains how our early relationships with caregivers shape our friendship dynamics. Additionally, social learning theory indicates that we learn social behaviors, including the qualities of a good friend, through observation and imitation.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

This worksheet is a tool to reflect on important qualities in a friendship. It helps identify the traits you value in others and recognize the qualities you can offer as a friend. This introspection can lead to more fulfilling and lasting friendships.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

To get the most out of this worksheet, approach it honestly and openly. Reflect on each question and answer thoughtfully. It can be helpful to revisit the worksheet periodically as your perspectives and relationships evolve.

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