Radical Acceptance Coping Statements Worksheet

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What is the theory behind this Radical Acceptance Coping Statements Worksheet?

Radical Acceptance is one of the many distress tolerance skills that are a part of Dialectical Behavior Therapy. It teaches individuals to accept their pain without getting attached to it. Instead of allowing a painful situation to take over their emotions, radical acceptance skills allow individuals to accept the painful reality that they have no control over. This acceptance helps to then utilise effective coping strategies rather than resorting to avoidance. 

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet will provide a list of coping statements that individuals can use whenever they feel like they are unable to accept a painful situation. The worksheet will also prompt the individuals to write a few of their own. This exercise will help them have a handy list of coping statements ready to use when needed. 

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet can be provided to individuals seeking Dialectical Behaviour therapy for their issues along with other resources for distress tolerance skills. They can write their own radical acceptance coping statements to add to the ones already provided in the worksheet. 

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