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What is the theory behind this worksheet?

This worksheet tries to make you reflect on how your relationship was and through that establish the areas of weakness and strength that you can improve for future relations. 

It is founded on clinical psychology and utilizes techniques that enable the evaluation of emotions and identification of ways of avoiding detrimental relationships in the future

How will the Worksheet Help?

This worksheet can help with the process of reflection and learning after a relationship has ended. Reflection on the relationship dynamics, feelings, and personal input, provides insight for others on how to understand relationships more fully and close that something for them too.

This process promotes emotional healing, and self-awareness, and empowers individuals to make healthier choices in their romantic endeavors.

How to Use the Worksheet:

  1. Dedicate time to analyze your emotions and thoughts about the end of the relationship.
  2. Read the questions carefully and write your answers on another sheet.
  3. Determine the learnings you have through the whole process and apply them to your new relations, then establish steps to achieve your personal development and healing process.

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