Self-soothing worksheets for adults

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What is the theory behind this worksheet?

Self-soothing is a quick and effective way to reduce the intensity of negative emotions or stress.

The theories behind this worksheet align with the principles of “Positive psychology- cultivates positive emotions, self-esteem, and overall well-being as it is a key component of promoting mental health” and “Mindfulnessencourages mindfulness and awareness of self by exploring the deeper layers of personal experiences.

Therapies may include;

  • DBT- emphasis on emotional regulation and development of coping skills that

manage intense emotions and find ways to soothe themselves.

How will this worksheet help you?    

This worksheet aims to

  • Enhance emotional regulation
  • Develop strategies to soothe, calm, and comfort themselves during challenging moments. 
  • Enhance overall emotional well-being and resilience.

How should you use this worksheet?

Individuals or therapists can use this worksheet as a practical tool to develop skills to respond to difficult emotions or situations by using different useful self-soothing strategies.

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