Should Statements Worksheet

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What is the theory behind this worksheet?

Should statements are expressions of internal expectations or requirements that individuals place upon themselves or others. For example, “I shouldn’t feel this way”, or “I should be able to handle my problems on my own.” 

In the realm of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, these types of should statements are referred to as cognitive distortions. These patterns are usually developed during childhood, shaped by external influences, or emerge as a response to traumatic experiences. This process is gradual and purposeful, serving as a mechanism for psychological survival. 

While should statements may initially aid us in dealing with adversity, their prolonged presence can have detrimental effects on our emotional well-being, relationships, and overall life.

That is why it is crucial to develop the ability to identify and handle these should statements as it plays a vital role in cultivating a more positive mindset and alleviating unwarranted self-imposed pressure.

How will the worksheet help?

The worksheet will help to identify your should statements, and their origin and recognize their impact on you. It will also help you learn what to do with these statements and how to relieve yourself of self-imposed pressure.

How to use the worksheet?

Find some time to answer the questions in the worksheet. Pay special attention to the last two questions because they will help you be aware of your shoulds in the future. Discuss your answers with a close friend or your therapist.

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Mairanz, A. (2019). Limiting should statements. Retrieved from:, on January 11, 2024.


Tartakovsky, M. (2016). If ‘Should’ Statements Run Your Life, This Might Help. Retrieved from:, on January 11, 2024.