Social Story for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Worksheet

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What is the theory behind the worksheet?

Carol Grey created the concept of social stories as a way to help children on the spectrum understand different social interactions or social situations. These stories are short and to the point so that they highlight what is expected of the child in clear terms.

These stories can be tailored to suit the needs of the child and their particular situation.

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet offers two possible social stories for parents to use. These also give parents a basic understanding of how to create simple social stories for their children.

Mental health practitioners can help parents create more in-depth or complicated social stories.

How to use the worksheet?

Use these social stories with your child or create your own. When you are using a social story you will need to repeat the story over a few days to help your child understand it. You can get your child to tell you the story, or act out the story with toys or puppets.

These stories are a fun way for a child to learn appropriate social behaviors.

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