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What is the theory behind the worksheet?

The human brains are complicated and so their way of operations is somehow a whole one different when one is awake or even when they are asleep. 

Awake, our brain is working on its processes, making choices and dealing with whatever environment it may be in. 

When we are asleep, our minds do not simply cease to function, but rather go through several stages which are essential for the psychological and physiological processes, as well as for memory formation and emotional balance. 

This worksheet is based on the thought that both states, wakefulness and sleep, are critical for our health.

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet is designed to:

1. Be more conscious of the cognitive processes involved in varying levels of consciousness.

2. Assist you in identifying the need for wakefulness and sleep in maintaining good mental health.

3. Offer specific advice that would help in increasing the quality of sleep and ways to increase focus during the daytime.

How to use the worksheet?

1. Start with Self-Reflection: To start the process, you need to consider your present daily bedtime schedules, and how you wake up and feel the next morning.

2. Engage with Activities: Perform all the exercises given to facilitate the understanding of the sleep/wake cycle and one’s mental status for the day.

3. Apply the Tips: The practical advice given should be applied to improve the quality of your sleep and alertness during the day.

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