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What is the theory behind the worksheet?

The worksheet was developed from ideas derived from psychological and therapeutic models and strategies commonly used in engaging the clients in therapy. 

It is based on elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and mindfulness activities.

The basic concept is to assess and enhance a number of aspects of a client’s life including biological, psychological, societal, and spiritual well-being so that he or she is ready and committed for the process of therapy.

According to these dimensions, the worksheet suggests a conceptual framework to complement the client’s current stage and enhance the process of change in therapy.

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet facilitates the process of therapy as it offers a more objective and directive way of assessment of client’s needs across physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, thus guiding the choice of intervention strategies and monitoring change by therapists. 

It allows for co-participation in establishing goals to be achieved during therapy and the client’s development aims. Further, it provides direction on the formation of enabling daily and weekly practices to foster preparedness and stability in therapy sessions.

How to use the worksheet?

The client first undergoes an initial assessment to evaluate his or her condition in order to utilize the worksheet. They then consult with the therapist on the specific goals of therapy and develop routines towards building and upgrading the mental in preparedness. 

Patients fill in the worksheet after each session to assess the outcome, make corrections if necessary, and recognize the success to ensure constant development.

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