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What is the theory behind the worksheet?

Many individuals in life experience sensitive situations that determine mental emotional health and well-being. ”The Road Not Taken” is a formal analysis of the choices that, if taken, may have had disastrous consequences. 

This worksheet is modeled on the CBT approach that asserts that cognitions and choices determine feelings and actions. 

When people think about choices made and not made as well as the possible outcomes that could have resulted from those choices, they develop self-appreciation and become more resilient.

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet supports individuals by:

  • Prompting self-reflection: Creating awareness of why certain decisions were not made as part of the process of critical thinking.
  • Identifying decision patterns: A method of reviewing previous decisions in order to identify patterns in the decision-making process.
  • Facilitate personal growth: Exploring unexplored paths helps clarify values ​​and priorities.
  • Mitigate Regret: Knowing why some paths are not taken helps alleviate regret and future contemplation of “what if” questions.

How to use the worksheet?

  1. Choose an environment free from any interference for personal contemplation.
  2. Find out major actions you decided not to take. Record them.
  3. Try to picture what life would be like if you had chosen those paths for your life. 
  4. Look for common themes or values guiding your decision-making.
  5. Develop a plan of action on how to ensure that future decisions made reflect the individual values and goals.
  6. If the exercise evokes strong emotions, consider discussing insights with your therapist

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