Therapy Worksheet on Lying

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What is the theory behind this Therapy Worksheet on Lying?

People lie for various reasons according to their needs. Some may end up becoming habitual liars continually involved in deceiving others. Either way it can have bad consequences in the long run. To break one’s habit of lying it is important to explore why they feel the need to lie and whether they are aware of the consequences of choosing to lie and choosing to tell the truth. 

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet will help therapists gain a deeper understanding of why their clients prefer to lie and what bothers them about choosing the truth. It will also help as a self-reflection exercise for the client to explore why they think they need to lie and why they hide the truth in a situation. The client can be guided to always weigh the consequences of their lying in a similar way in the future. 

How to use the worksheet?

Instruct the client to think about a recent situation where they lied and write about why they needed to lie, what actually happened as a result of it and what could have happened if they had chosen to tell the truth instead. 

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