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What is the theory behind the worksheet?

The principle of creating WIGs is based on the theories of goal setting and task motivation introduced by Locke and Latham (2002). They have described their research saying that when teachers set clear and difficult targets, accompanied with constructive feedback, performance improves and motivation is enhanced. Thus, such SMART goals are better achieved through the concentration of efforts on several crucial goals because quantity is detrimental for mental health.

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet aids you in making distinctions between what matters and what is essential in your life and well-being.

1. One way to combat the feeling of being overwhelmed is focusing on objectives or goals that are most valuable.

2. Specific and realistic objectives lead to motivation and satisfaction at work.

3. It is always good to monitor the progress to ensure that everything being worked on is on the right track as well as to alter any wrong strategies.

4. If you aim at attaining fewer but significant objectives, expect lesser amounts of stress as you work towards their attainment.

How to use the worksheet?

1. Consider what really matters to you at the present time. What changes or accomplishments would make a large difference in the quality of your mental health?

2. Make sure your Wildly Important Goals are clearly and specifically stated on paper. Ensure they are quantifiable.

3. Indicate the steps you will have to take in order to accomplish these goals. Divide them into smaller portions that will be easier to work with.

4. Regularly update the worksheet with your progress. Celebrate small wins and adjust your plan if needed.

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