Download Worksheet


What is the theory behind the worksheet?

In Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), there’s a powerful idea about how we approach challenges: Rashness comes into the frame of testing general willingness or sheer willfulness. 

The difference between willingness and willfulness is that the former refers to an attitude of openness, acceptance, and change in the direction of therapy.

The latter, however, denotes rigidity and resistance, a determination to pursue a certain course despite circumstances, as championed by Dr. Marsha Linehan, developer of DBT.

How will the worksheet help?

1. Recognize willingness from willfulness 

2. Imagine how both mindsets would affect you both emotionally and from a behavioral point of view.

3. Practice letting go of self-will to enhance mental health; and your relations with other people.

How to use the worksheet?

  1. Think about a recent situation where you felt stuck or frustrated.
  2. Use the instructions to explore whether you were acting with willingness or willfulness.
  3. Think about how you could approach similar situations with more willingness in the future.
  4. The more you use this worksheet, the more naturally you’ll start responding with willingness.

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