Worksheet for domestic violence victims

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What is the theory behind this Worksheet for domestic violence victims?

Domestic violence is an act of harm or violence committed by a close relationship in the victim’s domestic life. The abuser may be partners or former partners, immediate family members, like parents, siblings, step-siblings etc. It could be other relatives or family friends as well. Usually, it is very difficult for the victim to seek help or escape from the abuser due to the closeness of the relationship. 

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet will help clarify the type, nature and perpetrator of domestic abuse. It will also help the clients prepare for a pre-planned escape with ensured safety of themselves and their dependents.  It will be a necessary step in the empowerment of victims of domestic violence or individuals who are experiencing intimate partner abuse.

How to use this worksheet?

To use this worksheet, read the reflective questions and write the information regarding your abuse and abuser. Then, put in the details of trusted people, and places, and with the help of a facilitator, form a safety plan. The client can keep this worksheet on soft copy (e.g., on an email address) and share it with an emergency contact as well.

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