ACT values worksheet

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What is the theory behind this ACT values worksheet?

One of the major aspects of Acceptance and Commitment therapy is the identification of one’s values and evaluation of one’s current position in life in line with those values. Values in ACT are not goals but a general idea of how one wants to live their life. These values are unique to every individual based on what they consider is the most important reason to live for in four particular domains. These are work/education, leisure, personal growth/health and relationships.

How will the worksheet help?

The worksheet will help individuals identify and list their personal values or the general direction they want their life to take in four important domains namely work/education, leisure, personal growth/health and relationships. This will help evaluate further their current position with respect to those values and what actions they can take to ensure they direct their life in line with those values. 

How to use the worksheet?

Write your responses based on what you consider is the most important aspect of living a fulfilled life in each of the mentioned domains. Think about the general direction you personally want your life to take in order to achieve a meaningful existence. 

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