The Self Sabotaging therapy worksheet 

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What is the theory behind this self-sabotaging therapy worksheet? 

Self-sabotage refers to the tendency to undersell one’s own efforts or goals. It can manifest in a variety of ways, such as delaying work, avoidance of challenges, etc. The theory behind self-sabotage is that it is often driven by distorted cognitions, heightened emotionality, or actions that signal deep-seated psychological issues.

How will the worksheet help?

A self-sabotaging worksheet can assist individuals to unveil the underlying reasons of their self-sabotaging behavior. Moreover, it will allow them to identify ways for addressing self-sabotaging actions. This will eventually enable them to work on healthy patterns and in breaking the cycle of unhealthy behaviors.

How to use the worksheet?  

In this worksheet first of all the client’s own perception of self-sabotaging will be asked. Then they will be asked about how their well-being is getting affected due to their self-sabotaging behavior. Then in order to go in-depth the client will be asked to explain how they sabotage things in their life. Then finally they will be asked to observe the pattern of sabotaging that they follow. Finally, how can they end their self-sabotaging behavior? 

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(n.d.). Veronica Walsh’s CBT Blog Dublin, Ireland | Free CBT resources – handouts, worksheets, and workbooks.


7 signs of self-sabotaging behaviours. (n.d.). Entrepreneur and Business Coaching | Bruce Campbell.