Toddler emotion worksheet

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What is the theory behind the toddler emotion worksheet?

Understanding emotions and acknowledging what you feel is quite difficult even for adults, then it’s definitely difficult for kids. But kids who are taught basic emotions can understand their and others’ emotions. Children who are well at identifying emotions are likely to have healthy relationships with peers and teachers and it is helpful even in the future. 

How will this worksheet help you?

This toddler emotions worksheet is a good way to educate your little ones about basic emotions. It will help them identify, naming, and acknowledge their emotions. They can speak about their emotions and find ways to regulate them. They can relate to their daily experiences by looking at the photos given in the worksheet. 

How to use this worksheet?

Parents, teachers, and caregivers can simply take the printout of this worksheet or use it digitally to educate their children about basic emotions. After telling them the basic emotions, do a practice exercise with them by showing them faces with different emotions and asking them to name them.

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