Wheels of emotion for kids worksheet

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What is the theory behind the wheels of emotion for kids worksheet?

The theory behind the “Wheels of Emotion” worksheet for kids is based on the idea that emotions are complex and multi-faceted. The worksheet is designed to help children understand and identify their emotions, as well as the different aspects that make up an emotion. The worksheet typically includes a diagram of a wheel, with different sections for different emotions, such as happiness, anger, and sadness. Children are asked to reflect on their emotions and identify which section of the wheel represents their current feelings. Additionally, it also helps children to understand the different aspects that make up an emotion, such as physical sensations, thoughts, and behaviors. The worksheet is based on the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) theory that emphasizes the relationship between thoughts, feelings and behavior. By teaching children to identify and label their emotions, they can learn to understand and regulate their emotions better.

How will this worksheet help?

The “Wheels of Emotion” worksheet for kids can be a helpful tool in several ways:

  • Identifying emotions: The worksheet helps children identify different emotions they may be feeling, by providing a visual representation of different emotions in the outer wheel. This can be especially beneficial for children who have difficulty expressing their feelings verbally.
  • Understanding emotional changes: By providing a visual representation of how emotions change over time in the inner wheel, the worksheet helps children understand how their current emotional state may have been influenced by past emotions. This can help children make connections between their emotions and their experiences, which can lead to better emotional regulation in the future.
  • Self-awareness and reflection: By completing the worksheet, children are encouraged to reflect on their emotions and think about how they are feeling. This can help children develop self-awareness and understand their emotional experiences better.
  • Coping mechanisms: The worksheet can also be used as a tool to help children develop coping mechanisms for managing their emotions. For example, children can brainstorm different strategies for dealing with different emotions, such as taking deep breaths, counting to 10, or using positive affirmations.
  • Communication: The worksheet can also be used as a tool for communication between children and their parents, teachers or therapist. Children can share their emotions with others, and adults can use the worksheet as a tool to understand the child’s emotional state better and help them.

Overall, the “Wheels of Emotion” worksheet for kids can be a valuable tool in helping children understand and manage their emotions, and in promoting self-awareness, reflection, and emotional regulation.

How to use this worksheet?


  • Look at the outer wheel and identify the emotion that best represents how you are feeling right now.
  • Color in the section of the outer wheel that corresponds to your current emotion.
  • Look at the inner wheel and think about the emotions you have felt in the past.
  • Write down the emotions you have felt in the past in the corresponding sections of the inner wheel.
  • Think about how your past emotions may have led to your current emotion.
  • Write down any thoughts or feelings you have about your current emotion in the space provided below.

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Field, J. B. (2015, December 30). Wheel of emotions (Children) (Worksheet) | Therapist aid. Pinterest. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/438467713701319817/