Dyslexia Worksheet KS2

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What are the theories behind this worksheet?

The major concept behind Dyslexia Worksheet KS2 is the theory of Phonological Awareness. This theory focuses on the recognition of sounds in language to increase and amplify spelling and reading skills.

How will this worksheet help you?

The purpose of this worksheet is to enhance phonological awareness. Phonological sounds are important for children with dyslexia. 

Through this worksheet, users will engage in activities that will focus on the recognition and manipulation of sounds. 

This will build up a foundation for children regarding their reading and spelling skills.

How should you use this worksheet?

This worksheet can be used for regular activities. Children should be encouraged to solve this worksheet independently or with guidance if required. 

Practicing consistently with this worksheet can improve reading and spelling skills of children over time. Feedback and positive reinforcement should be given regularly as well.

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