Find Your Why Worksheet

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Understanding your “why” is crucial for living a fulfilling and meaningful life in a world filled with endless choices and paths. This worksheet is a simple yet effective way to delve into your motivations and aspirations.

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

“finding your why” is rooted in various psychological and philosophical theories. Notably, Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy, centered on the belief that the human primary motivation is to find meaning in life, plays a significant role in this concept. Additionally, contemporary positive psychology, which focuses on what makes life most worth living, supports the idea that knowing your why enhances life satisfaction and emotional well-being.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

This worksheet is designed to assist you in uncovering your unique purpose. Asking targeted questions and encouraging deep reflection help you identify what drives and motivates you. This understanding can lead to greater self-awareness, improved decision-making, and an enhanced sense of direction in both personal and professional life.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

To get the most out of this worksheet, approach it with an open mind and a willingness to explore your inner world. Set aside quiet, uninterrupted time to thoughtfully answer each question. Be honest with yourself and try to go beyond surface-level responses. Remember, this is a personal journey, with no right or wrong answers.

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