Anxiety relapse prevention plan worksheet

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What is the theory behind this anxiety relapse prevention plan worksheet? 

Relapse means going completely back to how you used to think and act when you were stressed. When someone relapses, they frequently go back to their old behaviours from before they discovered new anxiety management techniques. Research suggests that anxiety disorders often recur so self-management skills and relapse plans are essential for enhancing the long-term course of anxiety disorders.

How will the worksheet help?

The relapse plan  will assist clients in identifying areas that carry a risk of relapse and describe the triggers and the coping strategies that clients can use to prevent relapse. The relapse plan will help clients to prevent relapse.

How to use the worksheet?  

The therapist can use this worksheet during the termination process. Therapist instructs clients to create a relapse plan by completing this worksheet that will be beneficial in preventing relapse.  

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Preventing relapse of a mental illness. (n.d.). We’re here to help | Here to Help.