Anxiety symptoms worksheet

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What is the theory behind this anxiety symptoms worksheet? 

Anxiety disorders are chronic worries that interfere with academic, social, or other important domains of functioning, like daily activities. It ranges from mild to severe and badly affects a person’s life.One of the most successful therapies for anxiety is discovered to be CBT. Psychoeducation is one of CBT’s key components.

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet will psycho-educate clients about different symptoms of anxiety.It is best for improving the understanding of anxiety and helping to identify the symptoms based on their severity. Also, it can help clients to deal with the issues that constant anxiety can cause.

How to use the worksheet?  

During sessions, the therapist can use this worksheet. It can also be assigned as homework to clients. Therapists brief clients to fill the table after psycho-educating them about the cognitive, physical, and emotional symptoms of anxiety.

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Ackerman., C. E. (2019, March 20). 15 anxiety worksheets & workbooks for teens & adults (+ PDF).


Morrow, K. (2018, January 12). The importance of Psychoeducation in cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). AnxietyTraining.