Anxiety what If Worksheet

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What is the theory behind this anxiety what if worksheet? 

Cognitive distortions are internal mental biases or filters that exacerbate our worry and increase anxiety.  One of the cognitive distortions known as catastrophizing is the tendency to assume the worst in every situation, regardless of how unlikely it is. What-if queries are frequently accompanied by this cognitive error. To address these faulty cognitions, cognitive restructuring, a CBT tool, is used.

How will the worksheet help?

The worksheet will psychoeducate clients about cognitive distortions and help clients to identify their own cognitive distortion and deal with them. 

How to use the worksheet?  

The therapist uses this worksheet to psychoeducate clients about cognitive distortions. Identifying one’s own cognitive distortion is a difficult task so the therapist will provide this worksheet to the client during the session and assist him. 

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10 cognitive distortions you’ll learn about in therapy. (2011, March 3). Verywell Mind.